Hummingbirds are attracted to nectar, so the main ingredient for feeders is a sugar-water solution. Use 4 parts water to 1 part sugar, no artificial sweeteners.
A clean feeder is crucial to prevent mold and bacteria growth. Regularly clean with hot water and vinegar, and rinse thoroughly before refilling.
Red coloring is unnecessary and potentially harmful to hummingbirds. Opt for natural red feeders or add red decorations to attract them.
Position feeders in shaded areas to keep nectar fresh longer and prevent fermentation. Hummingbirds prefer locations with nearby perches for resting.
Consider adding a ant moat above the feeder to prevent ants from reaching the nectar. Keep the moat filled with water to create a barrier.
Maintain a consistent schedule for refilling feeders, especially during peak migration seasons. Enjoy watching these fascinating birds visit your well-prepared feeders.