Discover 10 beautiful perennial flowers that can withstand the toughest winter conditions. From Snowdrops to Hellebores, these plants will add color to your garden year after year.
Hellebores, also known as Christmas Roses, bloom in winter with elegant flowers. Winter Aconites bring a burst of yellow to the winter garden. Bergenia offers evergreen leaves and pink flowers.
Snowdrops are one of the earliest bloomers, pushing through snow-covered ground. Lenten Roses bloom in late winter, brightening up the garden. Siberian Irises are hardy and low-maintenance.
Japanese Anemones bloom in late summer and fall, adding color to the garden when most plants have faded. Sedum 'Autumn Joy' is a hardy succulent that turns a beautiful copper color in winter.
Lenten Roses, also called Hellebores, are deer-resistant and thrive in shade. Siberian Irises are easy to grow and produce delicate flowers. Winter Aconites are perfect for naturalizing in woodlands.
Bergenia, with its large leaves and pink flowers, is a great ground cover. Japanese Anemones add a touch of elegance to the garden. Sedum 'Autumn Joy' is drought-tolerant and attracts pollinators.