You Won’t Believe What Komodo Dragons Eat!

Komodo dragons are apex predators known to eat a variety of prey, including deer, pigs, and even water buffalo. Their diet also consists of smaller animals like birds and insects.

In addition to hunting live prey, Komodo dragons are also scavengers and will feed on carrion. They have been observed eating the remains of dead animals, utilizing their keen sense of smell to locate food.

Despite their size, Komodo dragons are skilled hunters and can take down prey much larger than themselves. They use their powerful jaws and venomous bite to incapacitate their victims.

One surprising aspect of a Komodo dragon's diet is their ability to consume large meals in one sitting. They have stretchy stomachs that can expand to accommodate up to 80% of their body weight.

After a big meal, Komodo dragons may rest for several days to digest their food. This period of inactivity allows their bodies to process the nutrients efficiently before they resume hunting or scavenging.

The eating habits of Komodo dragons are truly fascinating, showcasing their adaptability and survival skills in their natural habitat. Witness the incredible feeding behaviors of these remarkable reptiles in the wild.

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